SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization

SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization

Created: May 16 2022
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 1
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 2
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 3
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 4
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 5
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 6
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 7
SKETCH, DESIGN, working project, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT, legalization Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
There are promotions, discounts and all the necessary information on Instagram architects_ra We provide services of an architect, designer, planner, constructor, builder, estimator and engineers from 10,000 tenge. Our website Legalization of apartments, non-residential premises, built residential buildings (extension, superstructure, redevelopment, reconstruction, etc.) and commercial buildings (public buildings). Permission for new construction of residential buildings (extension, superstructure, redevelopment, etc.) and commercial buildings (public buildings). Legalization of RE-PLANNING AND RE-EQUIPMENT for 50000 tenge per week!! Registration and maintenance of design permits: 1. Any types of projects, 2. APL (design assignment, questionnaire, technical conditions). 3. Engineering network (coordination). 4. Development of a preliminary design. 5. Coordination of the draft design. 6. Act of commissioning. 7. Registration. 8. Technical passport. Development of design and estimate documentation: 1. Sketch design 2. Detailed design (all sections) 3. Design project (3D visualization) 4. Interior design 5. Exterior design We work 24/7! 8700 387 17 9 7 8701 387 17 9 7 (whatsapp available)
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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