Electrician wiring installation repair of chandeliers, electric stoves

Electrician wiring installation repair of chandeliers, electric stoves

Created: May 17 2022
Electrician wiring installation repair of chandeliers, electric stoves Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Around the clock Elimination of a short circuit We will perform all work on electricity from minor repairs to complete installation in an apartment, private house, office, cottage Installation and replacement of a meter, socket, switch, installation of a chandelier, wall lamp, complete replacement and repair of wiring, installation of a shield and machines -Installation of motion sensors and light sensors -Installation of spotlights for street lighting -Earthing of devices - Restoration of power supply to the apartment - Restoration of lighting and sockets. - Installation of switchboard 220-380 from scratch and their maintenance - Diagnosis of faulty electrical wiring
Created: May 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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