for drinking water enamel metal reservoir tank 5 000 ₸

for drinking water enamel metal reservoir tank

Created: May 25 2022
for drinking water enamel metal reservoir tank Astana - photo 1
for drinking water enamel metal reservoir tank Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Address Zhakyp Omarov 112, delivery within the city. BICOAT EPOXY 401 GRAY PRIMER (KIT (BASE 19.6 KG HARDENER 0.4 KG BI-ER 01)) Two-component system based on epoxy resins, special additives, including a corrosion inhibitor, and an amine-type hardener. Primer enamel is intended for new and repair painting of concrete, reinforced concrete and metal structures operated in sea and fresh water, oil, oil products, in an atmosphere containing aggressive gases and vapors, as well as exposed to short-term exposure to solutions of salts, acids and alkalis. It is used as an independent thick-layer coating for protection against corrosion: ships of an unlimited navigation area hydraulic structures port facilities moorings of drilling rigs as a primer coating for industrial structures operating in an industrial atmosphere Material properties: high anti-corrosion resistance in sea and fresh water, oil, oil products and in aggressive atmospheric conditions good adhesion when applied to surfaces with residual rust up to 70 microns Prevents the spread of rust over the surface and deep into the metal application temperature from minus 10 ° C to 35 ° C application by airless spraying units with a single supply of a mixture of components, pressure on the paint 130-250 atm thickness single-layer coating 300-400 microns impact and abrasion resistance Delivery around the city.
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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5 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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