Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum 477.62 rub

Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum

Created: May 24 2022
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 1
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 2
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 3
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 4
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 5
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 6
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 7
Decorative Brick / Stone from 2600 tenge in Astana / Nursultan Gypsum Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
87021077770 - Call =) Price for 1 sq.m. starts from 2600 tenge There are more than 20 types of decorative brick / stone, as well as 3D panels, the price varies depending on the type. Decorative brick/stone is made from high quality gypsum polymer for interior space and architectural mortar for building cladding. Painting of decorative brick/stone is possible in any color. This item is in stock and also made to order. Call, write - specify by phone in the announcement. I recommend to see our product live, you can’t convey everything in the photos. Photos have not been updated on the site for a long time) Our address is Sembinov street 9, residential complex "Khan Tengri". Our instagram - Call and write to WathsApp from 09:00-20:00 to the number in the ad. All photos are taken by our customers (photos are not professional) To view, click on one photo and scroll (sometimes all photos are not loaded)
Created: May 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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477.62 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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