Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana!

Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana!

Created: May 12 2022
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 1
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 2
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 3
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 4
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 5
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 6
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 7
Tire pressure sensors from 3000tg Almaty-Astana! Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Tire pressure sensors - (TPMS) original and (Duplicate) for any cars. In stock. The procedure for prescribing sensors - 3,000 tenge. Determination of a non-working sensor is carried out without disassembling the wheel! Determining the sensor ID is done without disassembling the wheel! Diagnostics - 2000 tenge. New: for Toyota, Lexus, etc. we can make clones of your sensors so that YOU can save on registering sensors. Actual for the regions! Scheme for the regions: 1. You tell us the IDs of the old sensors (s) (which were in your car and once worked properly) 2. Transfer money for the sensor (s) 3. We enter the old IDs into the new sensors and send to you. Repair kit (nuts) for sensors - 2000 tenge.
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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