The author's picture of rhinestones "Royal butterfly" 55 000 ₸

The author's picture of rhinestones "Royal butterfly"

Created: May 29 2022
The author's picture of rhinestones "Royal butterfly" Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Created the painting "Royal Butterfly". Somehow it becomes easier when you do something beautiful. Bad thoughts, fears recede, one believes in a miracle. Friends, let everything get better in our life, diseases will go away and health will be restored, strength and beauty will come. May God help us all!!! Rhinestone painting "Royal butterfly". Size 34*44 cm. Let the picture bring happiness, wealth and health to the owner's house. Handmade. Exclusive. No one will have the second option. #дизайн_студии #дизайнстудии_нурсултан #дизайнстудии_алматы #картиныизкамня #картины_обереги #картины_талисманы #картиныизбисера #зеркальныекартины #декорстен #картиныназаказ #эксклюзивныекартины #подаркиастана #картинадлядетской #картинадляхолла #оформлениестен #ручнаяработа #подаркиастана #el_hosse #gifts_astana #artpaints #decorastana #astana #nur_sultan #designinterior #premiumdecor #exclusivedecor #forhome #walldecor #giftsnewwarming #almaty
Created: May 29 2022
Was online december 9 11:52
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55 000 ₸
Was online december 9 11:52
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