
Created: November 14 2023
   year Astana - photo 1
   year Astana - photo 2
   year Astana - photo 3
   year Astana - photo 4
   year Astana - photo 5
   year Astana - photo 6
   year Astana - photo 7
   year Astana - photo 8
   year Astana - photo 9
   year Astana - photo 10
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Hello dear customers! The reason for selling the car is to need funds for other plans. Otherwise I wouldn't sell the car. Since it is in good condition; Yes, and without a car. In general, come and see for yourself. Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
Created: November 14 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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