Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis.

Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis.

Created: May 14 2022
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 1
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 2
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 3
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 4
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 5
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 6
Stock. Lips, nasolabial botox, meso, hyperhidrosis. Astana - photo 7
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Do you want to be irresistible this spring? The filler will fill in the breaks between the eyebrows if you do not want Botox. Botox will remove all wrinkles in the upper third of the face or neck. Cost of the procedure From 15 to 35 thousand tenge (depending on the area and quantity, depth of wrinkles) The filler will fill wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, you can remove purse-string wrinkles around the mouth, for mature ladies. Fill in, enlarge. make juicy beautiful lips without frills PROMOTION. for this procedure you will pay only from 32000tg-47000 *(1 syringe 1 ml.) the price depends on the manufacturer. Instead of the base price of 50-60000 tenge To correct the cheeks and the second chin with a lipolytic for 2-3 sessions, with an interval of 2 weeks, the cost of 1 procedure is 35 thousand now for the Promotion from 28 thousand. Also filler correction. From 32 thousand With a severe edematous type of face, lipolytic is the best way out in order to bring the face back to normal as quickly as possible. Mesotherapy with biorepants Zinc, Amber, Prolift from the BLUM Gel series. and similar drugs. The cost of procedures is from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. Depending on drugs. There is also a Russian manufacturer of bioreparants, the cost of the procedure is from 22000 tenge for women over 40, and also Biorevitalizants for younger patients. For each patient, we will select an individual program in terms of efficiency and pricing policy.
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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