ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg

ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg

Created: May 14 2022
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 1
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 2
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 3
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 4
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 5
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 6
ACTION-2000tg!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg Cartilage -2000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg Astana - photo 7
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
PROMOTION!!! Ear piercing - from 2000tg, Cartilage - 2000tg. With a diploma - 3000tg. Nose piercing-2000tg, along with medical earrings from the company "Studex", medical steel, hypoallergenic, everything is sterile, I open the earrings in front of you, they come sealed. The procedure is painless and passes quickly. I pierce from 40 days. Beautician with over 17 years of experience. I accept in the cabin (the call is paid separately.). Free consultation, recommendations for treatment after a puncture. I keep in touch after 24/7! Call, write at any time!
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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