2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.!

2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.!

Created: May 14 2022
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 1
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 2
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 3
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 4
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 5
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 6
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 7
2 Animators + 4 bonuses = 16500tg.! Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Organization of holidays "BubbleGum" Hourly program of two characters ONLY FOR 16500tg. 1.5 hours-22000tg. 2 hours-27000tg. 2 ANIMators of your choice + DISCO WITH SMILY PILLOWS + SOAP BUBBLES + CORONATION + BALLOONS FOR EACH CHILD AS A GIFT = 16500tg. The program for 1 hour includes: -Games -Games with props -Dances -Flashmobs -Congratulations -Coronation -Disco with smiley pillows -Soap bubbles -Sausage balls as a gift for each child to model figurines -Take out a cake -Photos for memory from you -All It's with fun music! In addition, you can order: -PINATA -SILVER DISCO -NITROGEN-CHEMICAL SHOW -WATER MAKE-UP -SOAP BUBBLES SHOW -PHOTOGRAPHER SERVICES
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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