Exit dry-cleaner of sofas, carpets, mattresses, chair

Exit dry-cleaner of sofas, carpets, mattresses, chair

Created: May 18 2022
Exit dry-cleaner of sofas, carpets, mattresses, chair Almaty - photo 1
Exit dry-cleaner of sofas, carpets, mattresses, chair Almaty - photo 2
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exit dry-cleaner. Only safe means! We clean sofas, carpets, carpets, mattresses, chairs, armchairs. We remove tea, coffee, paints, plasticine, urinary stone, other household stains, etc. We remove unpleasant odors! Our prices: Sofa - 2 000 tenge. seat Armchair - 3 200 tenge. Chairs - from 1000 tenge. pcs Pillows - from 500 tg. pcs Mattress - 5 000-12 000 tenge. Carpets and rugs - 800 tenge. per sq. m. Departure around the city is free!
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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