Vibroskating rink Turkish 1 850 000 ₸

Vibroskating rink Turkish

Created: May 20 2022
Vibroskating rink Turkish Almaty - photo 1
Vibroskating rink Turkish Almaty - photo 2
Vibroskating rink Turkish Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
The single drum vibratory roller MSR 58 is a modern and technological device designed for compacting various types of surfaces. The lightness and maneuverability of the roller make it indispensable for use in small areas. Recommended work surfaces are granular and asphalt surfaces, footpaths, ramps, bridges, patching, landscaping, underground work. The Masalta MSR58 roller, unlike most belt or chain driven rollers on the market, has a fully hydraulic system consisting of a hydraulic pump and motors that provide not only vibration, but also movement, which eliminates the need for regular periodic adjustments and changes during large a variety of working speeds. The vibroskating rink is manual NEW contractual price with all documents at a discount. Specify dual-volume prices +7 702 492 65 55 . Vibroskating rink from Turkey. The quality is excellent. With guarantees and with DELIVERY.
Created: May 20 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 850 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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