Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade 19 500 ₸

Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade

Created: May 27 2022
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 1
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 2
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 3
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 4
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 5
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 6
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 7
Unique Planes of the USSR and German trophy .Handmade Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Unique Working tool Planes of the USSR (7 pieces + one small metal) and German trophy planers with carving (work of art). Handmade. All working - high-quality construction tool collection. Made from moraine oak, strong as iron. Cutters sharp from knee - strong steel. As a gift, an antique wooden level - handmade. Small metal price separately 14.5t.t. The price for everything except the small metal one is 19.5t.t. .
Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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19 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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