Smart column Yandex station Alice 150 000 ₸

Smart column Yandex station Alice

Created: June 2 2022
Smart column Yandex station Alice Almaty - photo 1
Smart column Yandex station Alice Almaty - photo 2
Smart column Yandex station Alice Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
In perfect condition With box, with documents New and most powerful smart speaker with Alice. With LED display, 3-way audio and 4K video Bass, mids and trebles play from five different speakers so you hear every instrument. Alice will not only recommend a movie for the evening, but also show it on the big screen. You have access to films and TV shows on the Plus Multi subscription with Amediateka, as well as the video that Alice finds on the Internet.
Created: June 2 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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150 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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