Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!!

Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!!

Created: May 18 2022
Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!! Almaty - photo 1
Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!! Almaty - photo 2
Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!! Almaty - photo 3
Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!! Almaty - photo 4
Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!! Almaty - photo 5
Cleaning from 5000 tenge qualitatively and quickly!!! Almaty - photo 6
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
We work 24/7. Cleaning of apartments! We clean quickly and efficiently! We do all kinds of cleaning! You can trust us completely! Wet cleaning from 5000 General cleaning from 8000 It all depends on the complexity of the work! The price is not expensive, negotiable! We also do seaming, whitewashing (emulsion), from 250 tenge per square, wallpapering from 800 tenge Leonard 1,500,1800,2000 square!
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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