Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 360 000 ₸

Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020

Created: May 26 2022
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 1
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 2
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 3
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 4
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 5
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 6
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 7
Steel pipes vus, ppu 219,273,325,377,426,530,630,720,820,1020 Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
detailed information: product price list Steel pipes are new, stale restored, used Steel pipes of large diameters from 159mm - up to 1420mm! Pipes production Russia. Electrowelded straight-seam, seamless, spiral-seam pipes. Available in a warehouse of Almaty Delivery of Almaty. Sending on regions of RK. Deferred payment up to 30 days.
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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360 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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