Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass 3 000 ₸

Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass

Created: September 10 2023
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 1
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 2
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 3
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 4
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 5
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 6
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 7
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 8
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 9
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 10
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 11
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 12
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strass Almaty - photo 13
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Tristan und Isolda – Gottfried von Strassburg (Aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen übertragen und erläutert von Günther Kramer), 1976, Berlin, “Verlag der Nation“, dust jacket and hard cloth cover, 3rd ed., p.: 620, from 20 h/ b engravings-inserts by Maria Hyszpanska-Neumann, format: 244 x 133 mm, weight: 932 g, edition: not specified. Condition: perfect!

Godfrey of Strasbourg borrowed the plot from Thomas of Britain, reworked it and presented it in a form of amazing skill. The musicality and lightness of the verse was achieved by alternating trochees and iambs and correct filling of the beat; destruction of the monotony of couplets - by introducing quatrains; richness of rhymes (in the entire “Tristan” there are only three imprecise rhymes); frequent use of wordplay, homonymous rhyme, absence of archaic forms; the introduction of French words and even entire poems into German speech; finally, a penchant for metaphors and antitheses, emphasized by repetition - all this characterizes Gottfried of Strasbourg as one of the greatest masters of the courtly style - a style that is refined and refined, imbued with that charm and bright joy, that exaltation of feeling and slight intoxication, which medieval poets called “la joie.”

Second-hand booksellers in Germany sell the book for 16 euros with delivery to non-CIS countries. Now 1 euro costs 489 tenge.
Created: September 10 2023
Was online yesterday 13:01
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