Required in the supermarket EUROSPAR sellers (night shift) Tole bi 71

Required in the supermarket EUROSPAR sellers (night shift) Tole bi 71

Created: October 10 2022
Required in the supermarket EUROSPAR sellers (night shift) Tole bi 71 SILK WAY CITY Responsibilities: Consulting customers, Showcase design, display of goods, Quality control and expiration dates, Control of the availability and correctness of price tags, Maintaining the cleanliness of showcases, Conditions: Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Timely wages, Career opportunities, Meals, Work schedule shift 2/2 time 20/00-8/00. Call the numbers and whatsapp 87717756561 Symbat
Created: October 10 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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