Required sellers, cashiers in Hypermarket A-Store SEC ADK

Required sellers, cashiers in Hypermarket A-Store SEC ADK

Created: October 10 2022
We invite to work: - sellers, - cashiers, We offer: - official employment, - timely and stable wages, - free food, - shift and flexible work schedule 2/2 (two days of work, two days off, 15-16 shifts ), paid internship, - training, career opportunities. Age from 18 years old. Interviews with candidates are held on weekdays from 10-00 to 17-00 (break from 13-00 to 14-00), you should have a resume and an identity card with you. Contact the Human Resources Department of the TRC "ADK", Almaty, st. Satpaeva, 90/5, tel. 8 701 769 98 83 and 8 701 799 72 91
Created: October 10 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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