Looking for a girl with knowledge of Arabic 100 ₸

Looking for a girl with knowledge of Arabic

Created: August 30 2023
Looking for a girl with knowledge of Arabic Almaty - photo 1
Looking for a girl with knowledge of Arabic Almaty - photo 2
Looking for a girl with knowledge of Arabic Almaty - photo 3
Kind of work: Full time job 
Type of employment: Full-time work 
A travel company in Almaty requires a girl with knowledge of Arabic and English, preferably with her own vehicle for the vacancy of an operator. Her main responsibilities include answering calls and messages, translating all requests into Russian in writing.
At the moment, the salary is 150 thousand tenge + bonuses, the first month is probationary. Over time, the salary will be increased. The work schedule is irregular, working from home is acceptable.
For any questions, write to our WhatsApp: +77786016143
Created: August 30 2023
Was online february 12 10:07
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100 ₸
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Was online february 12 10:07
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