Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal 22 000 ₸

Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal

Created: November 17 2023
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 1
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 2
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 3
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 4
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 5
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 6
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 7
Thermopot titans buy electric samovar new electric kettle tepal tefal Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Water is dispensed through a plastic tap; located at the bottom of the device. There is a power indicator and a water level indicator. Case material: stainless steel 10 liter-2200020 liter-2599030 liter-3449040 liter-38490Delivery throughout Kazakhstan Orders: 87*********-27
Created: November 17 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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22 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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