Welding machines Eurolux in assortment 31 500 ₸

Welding machines Eurolux in assortment

Created: May 27 2022
Welding machines Eurolux in assortment Almaty - photo 1
Welding machines Eurolux in assortment Almaty - photo 2
Welding machines Eurolux in assortment Almaty - photo 3
Welding machines Eurolux in assortment Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Trading house "TIYN", we sell only original, high-quality, proven tools! EUROLUX inverter welding machines are a professional device designed for high-quality manual arc welding of metal parts. A wide range of welding current allows you to choose the most efficient mode of operation for each specific material. The contact group is conveniently displayed on the front panel of the device for quick connection of welding cables, which significantly saves time for its preparation for work. IWM-160 price: 31500 tenge. - type of device: welding inverter - types of welding: manual arc welding (MMA) - maximum electrode diameter: 3 mm - arc force: no - duty cycle at maximum current, %: 70 IWM-190 price: 33750 tg. - device type: welding inverter - welding types: manual arc welding (MMA) - maximum electrode diameter: 3.2 mm - arc force: no - duration of switching on at maximum current,%: 70 IWM-220 price: 39000 tg. - type of device: welding inverter - types of welding: manual arc welding (MMA) - maximum electrode diameter: 4 mm - arc force: no - duration of switching on at maximum current,%: 70 IWM-250 price: 45750 tg. - type of device: welding inverter - types of welding: manual arc welding (MMA) - maximum electrode diameter: 5 mm - arc force: no - duration of switching on at maximum current,%: 70 Almaty, Tole Bi 304. "Trading house TIYN " tel. +7 705 755 49 96 . +7 727 339 70 10 , Also see our other announcements. In our store you can purchase goods on credit, Kaspi Red and other payment methods.
Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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31 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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