Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell

Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell

Created: May 12 2022
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 1
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 2
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 3
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 4
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 5
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 6
Dry fog. Remove odor. Stinks in the car. Smell Almaty - photo 7
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Removal of unpleasant odors of any complexity using the “Dry Fog” technology We use Fortela Aroma liquids, since only liquids from this company DO NOT LEAVE PLAQUE in comparison with liquids from other manufacturers currently on the market for this service. Your car is filled with a thick fragrant fog for 30-40 minutes and you will forever forget about the unpleasant smell, and as a bonus you will receive the aroma of your choice. Passenger car - 3000tg. Jeep -5000tg. Your choice of flavors: SILK PROTEINS WHITE LOTUS WATERMELON CHERRY NEEDLE FLOWER STRAWBERRY GREEN TEA BUBBLE GUM NEW CAR DAIRYS (male) CREAM SEA FRESHNESS ANTI-TOBAC COLA TANDARIN GREEN APPLE MELON TUTI-FRUIT FRUITSOP SCHOOL-FREE SCHOOL
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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