Serious music at school - Portugalov K 500 ₸

Serious music at school - Portugalov K

Created: May 25 2023
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 1
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 2
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 3
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 4
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 5
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 6
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 7
Serious music at school - Portugalov K Almaty - photo 8
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д.22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Serious music at school. A guide for teachers - Portugalov K.P., 1980, M, “Enlightenment”, 2nd ed., Rev. and extras, paperback, p. 144, format: 212 x 143 mm, weight: 149, circulation: 100,000 copies. Condition: perfect!

The author reflects on the forms and methods of familiarizing students with the musical classical heritage and the best examples of modern music. He focuses on the "listening lessons" of music at school, summarizing the rich practical material of classes and conversations with schoolchildren.

On Ozon, the book is sold for 700 tenge.
Created: May 25 2023
Was online march 4 19:35
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500 ₸
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