Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers 120 000 ₸

Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers

Created: November 15 2023
Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers Almaty - photo 1
Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers Almaty - photo 2
Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers Almaty - photo 3
Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers Almaty - photo 4
Soundbar samsung hw-n650 + rear speakers Almaty - photo 5
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Sound waves; coming out of 56 holes on the top panel of the soundbar; reflected from the walls and ceiling - this is how the impression of ambient sound is created. A separate subwoofer is responsible for low frequencies; which connects wirelessly. Real 5.1 sound because... The soundbar comes with a set of SWA-8500S wireless rear speakers. The sound is like in a movie theater.
Created: November 15 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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120 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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