Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak 500 ₸

Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak

Created: February 19 2023
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 1
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 2
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 3
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 4
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 5
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 6
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 7
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak Almaty - photo 8
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Russian-Estonian phrasebook - A. Reitsak, 1976, Tallinn, "Valgus", 3rd edition, hardcover, page: 255, format: 148 x 111 mm, circulation: 40,000 copies. Condition: excellent!

This manual contains thematically arranged texts, most often composed in a question-answer form, for the most typical speech situations. In addition, the topics of numerals and pronouns are given, as well as a number of adjectives and adverbs, the latter being arranged in alphabetical order according to Russian equivalents. The introduction gives a brief overview of the phonetic and grammatical structure of the Estonian language.

Dictionaries of all 3 Baltic republics are available (such as Lat - Rus and Rus - Lat. Only Lithuanian-Russian is not available).

In stock:

Russian-Estonian dictionary (about 30,000 words)

Latvian-Russian dictionary (in 2 volumes; about 53,000 words)

Russian-Latvian dictionary in 2 volumes (approx. 84,000 words)

Russian-Lithuanian dictionary (in 4 volumes, about 90,000 words)
Created: February 19 2023
Was online yesterday 18:46
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