Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony 1 000 ₸

Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony

Created: February 26 2023
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 1
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 2
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 3
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 4
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 5
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 6
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 7
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony Almaty - photo 8
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony - Stanislav Kratochvil, 1991, M., "Medicine", hard cover, page: 336, with tables, format: 212 x 144 mm, circulation: 100,000 copies. Condition: perfect!

The monograph examines the causes of functional sexual disorders and sexual disharmony in the family. Differential diagnostics, drug therapy, as well as rational and pathogenetic psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, functional and psychotherapeutic training for various sexual disorders are described. Recommendations on the organization and tactics of family therapy are given, the results of systematic studies in the field of family therapy of sexual disorders are presented.

For psychotherapists, sexologists, psychiatrists.
Created: February 26 2023
Was online yesterday 17:34
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