We sell everything for a hamster! 5 000 ₸

We sell everything for a hamster!

Created: May 31 2022
We sell everything for a hamster! Almaty - photo 1
We sell everything for a hamster! Almaty - photo 2
We sell everything for a hamster! Almaty - photo 3
We sell everything for a hamster! Almaty - photo 4
We sell everything for a hamster! Almaty - photo 5
We sell everything for a hamster! Almaty - photo 6
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Selling all hamster accessories due to pet death. Container with hand-made ventilation. True, there is a small crack, but it does not affect the life of the rodent in any way, a container 40 * 50, bought for 5.500 somewhere. A wheel-plate, a bowl, a house from which you can remove the roof, a sand bath (5 photos). A few herbal granules that are added to the hamster's food or given as a treat, wood sticks for pointing teeth, sand for chinchillas, but ideal for hamsters (it helps maintain fur), a little sawdust. In the last photo, all the ingredients for the hamster food, in the middle circled in a circle, is a ready-made batch of food, it remains to buy only millet and a drinking bowl. With such food on an ongoing basis, our pet lived for 3 years. Whatsapp or here, I don't answer calls.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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5 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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