I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG 990 ₸

I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG

Created: May 27 2022
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 1
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 2
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 3
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 4
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 5
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 6
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 7
I will sell, welding cable, cable 5*25 VVG Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
for sale VVG5 * 25 cable and welding cable: different diameters, there are 1 * 16.1 * 25.1 * 35.1 * 50 contractual prices. lower than in the bazaar, length from 10 to 1000 m.. . there is also a hose with a burner.. BU. If I don't answer whatsapp. Thanks. Price from 1050 and above
Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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