Selling medicinal horse chestnut acorns 10 000 ₸

Selling medicinal horse chestnut acorns

Created: December 26 2023
Selling medicinal horse chestnut acorns Almaty - photo 1
Selling medicinal horse chestnut acorns Almaty - photo 2
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
I will sell acorns or horse chestnut nuts 100 grams for 1000 tenge. Horse chestnut has a healing effect on all blood vessels, improves microcirculation, reduces fragility and permeability of blood vessels. They often treat varicose veins, rheumatism and other diseases.

For any questions, write to WhatsApp: +77786016143
Created: December 26 2023
Was online january 30 18:09
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10 000 ₸
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Was online january 30 18:09
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