Sell cages for rabbits, quails, broilers 11 500 ₸

Sell cages for rabbits, quails, broilers

Created: June 15 2022
Sell cages for rabbits, quails, broilers Almaty - photo 1
Sell cages for rabbits, quails, broilers Almaty - photo 2
Sell cages for rabbits, quails, broilers Almaty - photo 3
Sell cages for rabbits, quails, broilers Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
I will sell cages for rabbits, quails, ducks, broilers. Available and custom made to order. Cells made of galvanized mesh 25x25 mm, 1.6 diameter. Floor made of mesh 12x25 mm, 2 mm diameter. For rabbits of 2 types: 100x60x42 cm, with a hayloft on the side (for young animals and uterine), price 11500 tenge. With a sennik in the middle (fattening), the price is 13000 tg. Cages for decorative rabbits according to individual sizes to order. Cages for quails 100x60x25 cm, with an external egg receptacle 25 cm. Price 14000 tg. Cages for broilers, ducks, indoutok 100x60x50 cm. Price 14000 tg. Tel. +77472524815
Created: June 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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11 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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