Selling cassette deck ONKYO TA - 2430 80 000 ₸

Selling cassette deck ONKYO TA - 2430

Created: September 10 2023
Selling cassette deck ONKYO TA - 2430 Almaty - photo 1
Address: Тимирязева угол Гагарина 137 кв 11, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: Used 
I will sell a cassette deck ONKYO TA - 2430 in good and working condition for maintenance call from 9 - 21 at any time call 87714958586 or 87770129449 ask Oleg
Created: September 10 2023
Was online march 22 16:31
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80 000 ₸ Negotiable
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Was online march 22 16:31
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