I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free 5 448 rub

I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free

Created: November 17 2023
I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free Almaty - photo 1
I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free Almaty - photo 2
I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free Almaty - photo 3
I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free Almaty - photo 4
I will sell the oven and give away the stove for free Almaty - photo 5
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
The oven is in excellent condition; everything was washed; works great. We bought a stove and we no longer need it. It might be suitable for your dacha. There are several modes of operation and airflow (grill, etc.) + two electric stoves. Gas stove from the old owners; we give it away for free; not used; takes up space with us) Write to WhatsApp 70******79 Angelina
Created: November 17 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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5 448 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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