Mitsubishi Galant year 101 953.50 rub

Mitsubishi Galant year

Created: April 12 2022
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Model: Galant 
Body type: Sedan 
Steering rack - 20.000 Automatic transmission - 75.000 Motor scythe 1.8 - 20.000 Crankshaft sensor - 10.000 Power steering pump - 15.000 Generator - 15.000 Throttle valve - 20.000 Air conditioner compressor - 15.000 Documents with a bar - negotiable Starter - 15.000 Instrument panel - 10.00
Created: April 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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101 953.50 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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