2-room apartment 24 500 000 ₸

2-room apartment

Created: March 26 2022
2-room apartment Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Urgent Sale apartment - below the market price! Two-room Superior, brick house - built in 1978. District Ryskulov - Volochaevskaya, to the center by car 7-8 minutes, by bus 15-16 minutes! With Ainabulak, Vaz, Zhuldyz, Almaty-1, military camps, as well as panels of the 50-60s in 30-40 square meters. m. or hostels of Bostandyksky, Medeusky and Almalinsky districts, please do not confuse. Not a hostel, the documents are in order, it is not pledged, there are no debts. Two balconies on two sides, plastic windows, non-corner, improved, isolated rooms, storage room, counters, quiet courtyard. Roof New! Requires cosmetic repairs! Trade is right! View anytime! Call!
Created: March 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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24 500 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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