Skull correction, nose and jaw straightening 3 000 ₸

Skull correction, nose and jaw straightening

Created: January 19
Skull correction, nose and jaw straightening Almaty - photo 1
Address: Скрябина 28/3, алматы, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Jaw or nose correction - 3000 tenge
Skull (head) correction - 4000 tenge.

Nb. Jaw correction is done in the absence of inflammatory processes in the TMJ. In some cases, a gnathologist's opinion is required.

Nb. Nose correction is done in the absence of acute inflammatory processes in the nose. In some cases, a doctor's opinion is required.

Nb. Just one skull (head) correction will not give a major effect, it is necessary to supplement the treatment with manual therapy of the whole body.

Working hours: reception by appointment, Monday - Saturday, 11:00-20:00
Created: January 19
Was online february 13 20:24
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Was online february 13 20:24
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