Polski Foreign classic 500 ₸

Polski Foreign classic

Created: September 13 2023
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 1
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 2
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 3
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 4
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 5
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 6
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 7
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 8
Polski Foreign classic Almaty - photo 9
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
1. Domostwo Pani Wilcox (“Howards End”) – E.M. Forster, 1977, Warszawa, “Czytelnik”, 1st ed., dust jacket and hard cover, pp.: 430, format: 206 x 130 mm, weight: 482 g, circulation: 20,290 copies. Condition: perfect! Price in Poland: 20 zł

The core of the plot is the clash of two life positions: active and contemplative. The old world, symbolized by the described estate, where people live in harmony with nature, is becoming a thing of the past. He is succumbing to the onslaught of a “civilization of ephemeral values” based on two innovations: profit and the automobile. The first deprives people of humanity - they stop looking at the stars and those living next to them on Earth, and the second - rushes past, scaring people and animals with the noise of the engine.

2. Dziennik panny służącej (Le journal d'une femme de chambre) – Octave Mirbeau, 1977, Warszawa, “Czytelnik”, 1st ed., dust jacket and hard cover, pp.: 435, format: 206 x 130 mm, weight: 409 g, circulation: 40,290 copies. Condition: perfect!

This book has been filmed several times.

3. Żądło śmierci. Wybór opowiadań - Fiodor Sologub (The Sting of Death. Collection of stories - Fyodor Sologub), 1978, Warszawa, “Czytelnik”, 1st ed., dust jacket and hard cover, pp.: 356, weight: 380 g, format: 201 x 129 mm, weight: 409 g, circulation: 20,320 copies. Condition: perfect! Price: 50 PLN

The collection was translated into Polish and published long before Fyodor Sologub began to be published again in Russia. And only in 2004 the most complete eight-volume collection of his works was published.

The collection awakens interest in short stories as a genre. Some of the stories are philosophical, some are satirical.

The cost of the kit is about 90 zł with delivery only within Poland. Now 1 zloty costs 111.58 tenge. 90 zł x 111.58 = 10,042 tenge. I sell books individually for 500 tenge!
Created: September 13 2023
Was online yesterday 18:33
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