polystyrene block, polystyrene concrete block Almaty 900 ₸

polystyrene block, polystyrene concrete block Almaty

Created: May 26 2022
polystyrene block, polystyrene concrete block Almaty Almaty - photo 1
polystyrene block, polystyrene concrete block Almaty Almaty - photo 2
polystyrene block, polystyrene concrete block Almaty Almaty - photo 3
polystyrene block, polystyrene concrete block Almaty Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Our polystyrene block is 3 times stronger than gas block and foam block! Polystyrene concrete perfectly keeps heat in the room. Due to the foam in blocks, houses do not need insulation. We have 5,000 pieces in stock! Delivery around the city by a monipulator for free! Contact number 8 701 307 27 98
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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