Polystyrene concrete blocks, polystyrene, foam blocks size 60x30x20 1 050 ₸

Polystyrene concrete blocks, polystyrene, foam blocks size 60x30x20

Created: May 26 2022
Polystyrene concrete blocks, polystyrene, foam blocks size 60x30x20 Almaty - photo 1
Polystyrene concrete blocks, polystyrene, foam blocks size 60x30x20 Almaty - photo 2
Polystyrene concrete blocks, polystyrene, foam blocks size 60x30x20 Almaty - photo 3
Polystyrene concrete blocks, polystyrene, foam blocks size 60x30x20 Almaty - photo 4
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
We accept orders for high-quality polystyrene concrete blocks Zamanaui material. 1. Dybys didn’t live about Shaula? B?l degeni? ?abyr?any?osymsha zhylu materialdarymen ?aptaudy ?azhet etpeydi (penoplex, mineral wool, glass wool, not so) 2. From? and zhanbaydy. 3.Su, yl?al sі?beidі (bar bol?any 4%). ayazyna t?zіmdі ?asieti bar 4. Salma?y?іl. Foundation ??yuda ketetin shy?ynyn , tasymaldau shy?ynyn, 6. Shrup, anchor, self-tapping screw, dowel ?а?у?а boladas.? 7.Polystyrene blocks? otyrp ?alu(shrinkage) ?asietі gas block foam foam block To order write to whatsapp 87075051025
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 050 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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