wall painting. painting services

wall painting. painting services

Created: May 18 2022
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 1
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 2
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 3
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 4
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 5
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 6
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 7
wall painting. painting services Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Cont. Tel 87760204507 is whatsapp. Rolling walls / ceiling from 400tg. Levkas walls / ceiling from 1400tg Wallpaper from 700tg. Drywall from 1500tg Laminate from 1200tg. Fillets from 450tg. We remove stains from the flood, greasy stains cost from complexity. Plaster of slopes from 5000tg. Painter with more than 10 years of experience Departure to the customer to determine the cost - Free! We carry out any repair and finishing work. You can use your own material. Call, write! Quality guaranteed! 87760204507 WHATSAP.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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