Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting

Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting

Created: May 18 2022
Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting Almaty - photo 1
Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting Almaty - photo 2
Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting Almaty - photo 3
Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting Almaty - photo 4
Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting Almaty - photo 5
Painting Whitewashing of walls and ceilings airless painting Almaty - photo 6
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Speed and quality guaranteed! Painting, rolling walls and ceilings with airless pneumatic spraying in any interior, residential buildings and non-residential buildings, in supermarkets, shopping centers, manufacturing workshops, offices and other commercial areas, as well as painting warehouses, hangars, metal structures, fences, garages, car parks and production facilities. - Painting of any interior design - Painting anti-corrosion paint - Fire-retardant paint - Thermal paint - Waterproofing (pools, concrete structures, metal, roofs, facades, basements, etc.) Contractual price Advantage of machine painting: * reducing paint consumption by a third of the usual painting of surfaces * high speed of work (increase in speed of work by 4-5 times) * low cost of work * ease of painting * uniformity and uniformity of paint application on the surface * painting of hard-to-reach and geometrically complex places * no streaks and sags * perfect quality of painting * increased reliability and durability of facades and structures Contact phone 8775 536 0000
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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