Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate 229.62 rub

Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate

Created: May 23 2022
Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate Almaty - photo 1
Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate Almaty - photo 2
Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate Almaty - photo 3
Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate Almaty - photo 4
Lumber, edged board, timber, beam, rafters, crate Almaty - photo 5
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Our company itself produces and supplies all types of lumber in Almaty and throughout Kazakhstan. Lumber of standard and non-standard sizes is always available, if necessary, we will cut it to the size you need. Order all the materials for your building from us and get free loading and a discount on bulk purchases , Imitation of a bar Before buying, you can come to the warehouse and verify the quality of the goods yourself. Not satisfied with the goods upon delivery? We will replace materials that you do not like. We give additional discounts to regular customers. We work with legal and physical persons Delivery and self-delivery at a convenient time for you. Write, we will send a photo of the product additionally. Almaty Kuldzhinsky tract 58/1 Call and get a free consultation and calculations.
Created: May 23 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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229.62 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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