Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC 4 900 ₸

Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC

Created: November 15 2023
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 1
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 2
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 3
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 4
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 5
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 6
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 7
Wholesale Retail Airpods pro Airpods 2 Airpods 3 earphone wireless EAC Almaty - photo 8
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Wholesale Retail hit wireless headphones AirPodsOnly high-quality products with a guarantee...Margin 80-100%Price (wholesale)AirPods 2 premium - 4900ТAirPods Pro premium - 5900ТAirPods 3 premium - 6500Т and other models Factory defects There is a guarantee. The sound quality is super. In size; in weight and sound 1 in 1 with the original. Punched on the official website as the original. Cardboard tub as in the original. Improved microphone and sound. The most updated quality - for today's time Retail priceAirPods 2 - Lux - 699O tAirPods 2 - Lux Premium EAC - 799O tAirPods PRO Premium EAC - 999O (Super quality + passive noise reduction) AirPods PRO Super LUX EAC - 1399O t (#1 analogue of all existing AirPods Pro analogues + noise reduction + transparency) AirPods 3 Lux Premium EAC - 1199O t (The best analogue of the new 3- her version with all the settings; animation + surround sound) AirPods MAX Lux Premium EAC - 2599O tg (Version 1 in 1; packaging 1 in 1; serial number breaks through; with animation and two buttons and a case like the real ones) And other models For manufacturing defects Guarantee Yes. Sound quality is super. Size; in weight and sound 1 in 1 with the original. Punched on the official website as the original. Cardboard tub as in the original. Improved microphone and sound. The most updated quality - for today's time. Delivery throughout Kazakhstan We ship through Kaz Post; Indriver ; Bus and Train. We have been working in the market for more than 3 years. We have many stores throughout Kazakhstan... If you are interested, write to us on WhatsApp, we will send you videos and photos for more details...87*******63
Created: November 15 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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4 900 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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