Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! 9 600 ₸

Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!!

Created: June 2 2022
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 1
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 2
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 3
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 4
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 5
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 6
Headphones Air pods Pro 1:1 / +BASS / Gift!! Almaty - photo 7
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Hello Delivery Free There is an installment plan Contact us: 8(747)821 83 23(Calls / Whatsapp) ALL MODELS IN STOCK! Airpods 2 - 9,000 (available). Airpods 2 Black - 10,000 (in stock) Airpods Pro - 10,000 (in stock) Airpods Pro Lux - 15,000 (in stock). Active Noise Cancellation and Transparency Airpods Pro Black - 16,000 (in stock). Active Noise Cancellation and Transparency Airpods 3 - 15,000 (in stock), Premium Air Pods (wireless charging case) MADE TO LIKE THE REAL! All parameters up to the touch keys and Lightning cord, box, etc. are identical. Headphone volume and sound quality are on par with the real ones. Voice communication with Siri and Google is available. Manufactured at the Foxconn factory. The size and color corresponds to the original 1:1. Benefits: - Fits any Airpods case - Can last up to 5 hours on a single charge - Touch control - Sound quality is unmatched by other models - Can work up to 20 hours on a single charge using the case - Auto-on when removed headphones from the box, - Work with all devices (IOS, Android, Windows), - Complete external identity, - Headphones auto-connect to each other, - Headphones are magnetically attached in the box, - Pop up window for Iphone owners. After opening the lid of the box, your Iphone will immediately offer to connect with the headphones, - Ear detection sensor, - The serial number is present everywhere: on the box, case, and on each of the headphones.
Created: June 2 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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9 600 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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