Board game: CrocoDeal 5 200 ₸

Board game: CrocoDeal

Created: February 28 2024
Board game: CrocoDeal Almaty - photo 1
Address: 4мкрн дом 10а, ТЦ Тигрохауд, 1 этаж, бутик 5, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
"CrocoDeal" is a modern version of the popular game "Crocodile", which offers players a fun explanation of words and various tasks.

Here are the main characteristics and rules of this game:

Purpose of the game: Players are divided into teams. Each team chooses a player who will explain the words and perform the actions. The goal of the game is to score 121 points, and the first team to reach this goal wins.
Cards: The game has cards with different types of words and tasks, including objects, verbs, characters, movie titles, sayings and proverbs. Each type of word corresponds to a certain number of points.
Tasks and time: The player explaining the words selects a card and rolls the dice. The numbers on the dice indicate the task numbers on the card. The player then has exactly 1 minute to explain or show 2 words from the card.
Points: Depending on the type of word or task, the player and team can earn a different number of points. For example, an object may be worth 2 points, a verb - 1 point, a character - 2 points, a movie title - 3 points, a saying or proverb - 4 points. If a player uses an Acting Talent card to explain words, all points are doubled.
Victory: The winner is the first team to score 121 points or more.
The game "CrocoDeal" offers an exciting and fun pastime for large groups and family gatherings, where players can try their skills in explaining words and actions. This game is suitable for players of all ages and can create a fun and competitive atmosphere at parties and get-togethers with friends.
Created: February 28 2024
Was online october 16 2024 10:56
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5 200 ₸
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