Board game: Candy Empire 1 010.35 rub

Board game: Candy Empire

Created: April 15 2024
Board game: Candy Empire Almaty - photo 1
Board game: Candy Empire Almaty - photo 2
Board game: Candy Empire Almaty - photo 3
Board game: Candy Empire Almaty - photo 4
Address: 4мкрн дом 10а, ТЦ Тигрохауд, 1 этаж, бутик 5, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run your own candy business? With the board game "Candy Empire" from Muravey Games, you have the chance to do this in the unique universe of "Candy Stories".

Game plot:

A real struggle for control over the candy business has unfolded in the city! Your task is to lead a group of colorful characters and use their unique abilities to build your own Candy Empire. However, be prepared for the fact that in this fight the laws are not always followed and some tactics may not be entirely law-abiding.

Game Features:

Diverse Skills: You will have to use a wide variety of character skills to achieve your goals. In this game, each character is unique and contributes to your Candy Empire.
Colorful Characters: Fun and colorful characters await you, each with their own unique personality and abilities.
Unexpected Tactics: In the game, it is important to be flexible and unexpected in your tactics. Each game can bring an unexpected turn of events.
Valuable Candies: In the world of Candy Stories, candies have become rare and their value is higher than ever. Your rivals are also eager to get this sweet loot, so the fight promises to be hot!
The game "Candy Empire" invites you to a fascinating world of intrigue, humor, and, of course, candy. If you are ready for bright adventures and are ready to go through the difficult path to sweet success, then this game is for you!
Created: April 15 2024
Was online october 16 2024 10:56
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1 010.35 rub
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Was online october 16 2024 10:56
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