Board game: Battle of the Sexes 6 000 ₸

Board game: Battle of the Sexes

Created: December 13 2023
Board game: Battle of the Sexes Almaty - photo 1
Address: 4мкрн, ТЦ Тигрохауд, 1 этаж, бутик 70, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Battle of the Sexes is a fun and entertaining board game where players can compete and develop their knowledge on various topics related to the world of men and women. Here are the basic rules and features of the game:

Purpose of the game: The purpose of the game is to earn as many victory points as possible by answering questions and tasks from two decks of cards: male and female.

Game components: The game has two decks of cards: male and female, as well as coin tokens for scoring.

Game process:

Preparation: Divide the cards into two decks and shuffle them. Select the starting number of points that players must score to win.
How to play: Players take turns taking the top card from the appropriate deck (male or female) and read the question or task out loud.
Answer: The team or players who chose this card must offer an answer to a question or complete a task according to the card.
Rewards: If the answer is correct or the task is completed successfully, the team earns a certain number of points indicated on the card. If the answer is incorrect or the task is not completed, no points are awarded.
Scoring: Players tally their points after each move and keep track of the total points they need to score to win.
Victory: The first player or team to reach a predetermined number of points is declared the winner.
Additional Rules: The game also includes additional picture cards and coin tokens of varying denominations, which can add variety and a strategic element to the game.

The Battle of the Sexes game provides a great opportunity for fun and competition between friends and family. It makes it easy to spend time and learn interesting facts about the opposite sex.
Created: December 13 2023
Was online october 16 2024 10:56
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