to the set-top box from KazakhTelecom for ID-TV - - - adapter; power unit 3 500 ₸

to the set-top box from KazakhTelecom for ID-TV - - - adapter; power unit

Created: November 16 2023
to the set-top box from KazakhTelecom for ID-TV - - - adapter; power unit Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
for the ID-TV set-top box, a new adapter; power supply 5;2v 2;5A thin connector. Set-top boxes with 12 volt power also have adapters; power supplies Ask only by phone from Monday to Friday; on weekdays from 9-00 to 18-00 pm I do not look at correspondence.
Created: November 16 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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3 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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