Motorist, steering racks mechanics, automatic transmission fur

Motorist, steering racks mechanics, automatic transmission fur

Created: May 12 2022
Motorist, steering racks mechanics, automatic transmission fur Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
An experienced responsible minder will perform maintenance, diagnostics, computer diagnostics and repair of automobile engines. Chassis repair and diagnostics. Small-term repairs: replacement of piston rings, cylinder head repair, overhaul of internal combustion engines, replacement of timing, timing chains, oil seals, elimination of fluid leaks, adjustment of thermal valve clearances. Restoring the performance of hydraulic lifters. Automatic transmission repair. Replacement of components and assemblies. Moderate prices. Non-cash and cash payment. Installment work. Conclusion of contracts with organizations. 87051447741. There is an installment plan for work and spare parts
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Саламу 11/14/2023 14:40
Морозова Лилия Владимировна МОШЕННИЦА с марта 2022 взяла деньги за ремонт компьютера не поднимает трубку
Was online january 13 11:19
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