Microphone USB condenser Samson UB1 in the amount of 6 pieces 20 000 ₸

Microphone USB condenser Samson UB1 in the amount of 6 pieces

Created: May 22 2022
Microphone USB condenser Samson UB1 in the amount of 6 pieces Almaty - photo 1
Microphone USB condenser Samson UB1 in the amount of 6 pieces Almaty - photo 2
Microphone USB condenser Samson UB1 in the amount of 6 pieces Almaty - photo 3
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Unit price Call and whatsapp phone number: +77017710034 Samson introduces a new USB microphone - UB1. Surface mount condenser microphone with omnidirectional pickup and USB connection for recording directly to your computer. Since the UB1 is a compatible USB device, it is compatible with Mac OS and Windows. The UB1 comes bundled with Cakewalk Sonar LE ® ™, a workstation-style digital audio software. The UB1 microphones can be placed on a table in a conference room or on a podium. Due to its low-profile design, the Samson UB1 is discreet in any environment and allows professional-level recordings to be made on any desktop or laptop computer. The rugged construction and steel grille make the UB1 a reliable tool for conference rooms, temples, courtrooms, classrooms or anywhere high quality recording is required. The Samson UB1 is the perfect conference microphone to capture whatever you need. Buying a USB microphone for a computer in our online store is easy and fast. Delivery in Moscow and Russia. Plug & Play use on Mac OS and Windows 16-bit resolution, 44.1/48kHz Tiny, low profile design Omnidirectional pattern 3m USB cable included Ideal for recording meetings, conferences or podcasts Sleek black body Cakewalk software included ® Sonar LE
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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20 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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